'state pull' fails with the message "Could not detect common parent"

‘state pull’ fails with messages:

| [xxxxxxxx/Perl-5.36.1-Windows] C:\Users*\Perl-5.36.1-| [ Windows>state pull
| [_ Pulling Remote Project
| [
| [Operating on project xxxxxxxx/Perl-5.36.1-Windows, located at C:\Users*
| _ Something Went Wrong
| x Could not detect if merge is necessary
| x Could not detect common parent: could not get common parent between commits: provided commits |have no common parent in their history
| _ Need More Help?
| . Run → state pull --help for general help
| . Ask For Help → State Tool - ActiveState Community
| [xxxxxxxx/Perl-5.36.1-Windows] C:\Users********\Perl-5.36.1-Windows>

The error remains after uninstall/install. What shall I do?

Solved by ‘state reset’ command. Thanks!