In actual state checkout command execution, off course I set the source organization before project name as follows.
state checkout User-Name-org/Perl-5.40.0-Windows
I tried to uninstalling and reinstalling state tool, and have tried to run state checkout command with turn on verbose.
The result is as follows. Do I need to set something to run state checkout command ?
(PID 7712) [DBG 06:06:33.044 listeners.go:18] Adding listener for config key: report.errors
(PID 7712) [DBG 06:06:33.091 locale.go:41] Init
(PID 7712) [DBG 06:06:33.130 rollbar.go:60] Sending Rollbar reports? false
(PID 7712) [DBG 06:06:33.140 subshell.go:205] Detected SHELL: cmd
(PID 7712) [DBG 06:06:33.140 output.go:53] Requested outputer for
(PID 7712) [DBG 06:06:33.140 output.go:58] Using Plain outputer
(PID 7712) [DBG 06:06:33.140 main.go:132] ConfigPath: C:\Users\USER001\AppData\Roaming\activestate\cli-release
(PID 7712) [DBG 06:06:33.140 main.go:133] CachePath: C:\Users\USER001\AppData\Local\activestate\cache
(PID 7712) [DBG 06:06:33.140 client.go:18] Initializing ipc client with socket: C:\Users\USER001\AppData\Local\Temp\3\state-ipc\state-release.sock
(PID 7712) [DBG 06:06:33.147 svcctl.go:115] Located state-svc at :28243
(PID 7712) [DBG 06:06:33.160 subshell.go:205] Detected SHELL: cmd
(PID 7712) [DBG 06:06:33.160 subshell.go:121] Using binary: C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe
(PID 7712) [DBG 06:06:33.164 secrets.go:63] secrets-api scheme=https base_path=/api/secrets/v1
(PID 7712) [DBG 06:06:33.171 secrets.go:63] secrets-api scheme=https base_path=/api/secrets/v1
(PID 7712) [DBG 06:06:33.183 autoupdate.go:174] Not running auto updates because we just freshly installed
(PID 7712) [DBG 06:06:33.183 command.go:899] Args: [checkout], Flags:
(PID 7712) [DBG 06:06:33.187 cmdcall.go:51] cmdcall
(PID 7712) [DBG 06:06:33.187 svc.go:128] Checking for messages
Checking out project: (PID 7712) [DBG 06:06:33.208 messenger.go:52] Received 0 messages to print
(PID 7712) [DBG 06:06:33.209 checkout.go:105] Checking out User-Name-org/Perl-5.40.0-Windows to
(PID 7712) [DBG 06:06:33.218 path.go:22] No path provided, using default
(PID 7712) [DBG 06:06:33.218 projects.go:53] fetching project (Perl-5.40.0-Windows) in organization (User-Name-org)
(PID 7712) [DBG 06:06:33.433 checkpoints.go:77] fetching checkpoint (dd14a207-7b7f-45ce-8620-8817fd275bec)
(PID 7712) [DBG 06:06:33.875 checkpoints.go:88] Returning 2 requirements
• Resolving Dependencies |(PID 7712) [DBG 06:06:34.495 buildplanner.go:24] Using build planner at:
(PID 7712) [DBG 06:06:34.495 build.go:57] FetchBuildResult, commitID: dd14a207-7b7f-45ce-8620-8817fd275bec, owner: User-Name-org, project: Perl-5.40.0-Windows
Setting up the following dependencies:
└─ perl@5.40.0
(PID 7712) [DBG 06:06:36.034 cves.go:45] Skipping CVE reporting
█ Sourcing Runtime
(PID 7712) [DBG 06:06:36.039 svc.go:168] Checking if runtime is in use for C:\Users\USER001\AppData\Local\activestate\cache\5aa1136b\exec
(PID 7712) [DBG 06:06:36.761 links_windows.go:45] Attempting to link ‘C:\Users\USER001\AppData\Local\activestate\cache\depot_link_’ to ‘C:\Users\USER001\AppData\Local\activestate\cache\depot_target_’
(PID 7712) [CRT 06:06:43.803 multilog.go:24] Returning error:
execute failed:
Could not setup runtime:
Could not install dependencies.:
Failed to install runtime:
Could not update:
errors occurred during obtain:
- workerpool error
- obtain failed:
download failed:
Download failed:
‘Get “”: Forbidden’: Forbidden
Created at:
(PID 7712) [DBG 06:06:43.803 log.go:245] goroutine 1 [running]:
C:/hostedtoolcache/windows/go/1.22.8/x64/src/runtime/debug/stack.go:24 +0x5e{0x14469a0?, 0xc0007bf7e0?}, {0xc0007882e0?, 0x10?, 0xc000781450?})
D:/a/cli/cli/internal/logging/logging.go:310 +0x5e{0x14469a0, 0x22}, {0xc0007882e0, 0x2, 0x2})
D:/a/cli/cli/internal/multilog/multilog.go:24 +0x2c{0x1679f40, 0xc00068cf40}, 0xc0002b1e60, {0x168c4e0, 0xc000163900})
D:/a/cli/cli/internal/runbits/errors/errors.go:200 +0x6b4{0xc00007a080, 0x3, 0x4}, 0x1, 0xc000505ce0, {0x168e3d0, 0xc00049c9a0})
D:/a/cli/cli/cmd/state/main.go:276 +0x1a66
D:/a/cli/cli/cmd/state/main.go:109 +0x4b0
(PID 7712) [DBG 06:06:43.803 svc.go:153] Fetching log svc log
█ Something Went Wrong
x Could not install dependencies.
x .
█ Need More Help?
• Run → ‘state checkout --help’ for general help.
• If this is a private project you may need to authenticate with ‘state auth’.
• Ask For Help → State Tool - ActiveState Community.