Problems installing Perl 5.36.3 on Windows 11

Greetings. I am trying to install Perl on Windows 11. I’ve followed the instructions provided, and after executing the state checkout command I get the following error:
Setting Up Runtime
Resolving Dependencies :heavy_check_mark: Done
Downloading 95/95
Installing \ 94/95 [=====================================>] 99 %

█ Something Went Wrong

x Could not checkout this project
x Could not update runtime installation
x Error setting up runtime

Additional info: I’m using a VPN, could this be the problem?
Thanks in advance!

It created a folder with a file named activestate.yaml in it and nothing else, and trying to run the command again results in:
x There is already a project checked out at ‘C:\Coding\Perl-5.36.3-Windows’.

Now, when I try to run the next command, which is trying to use my runtime, it offers me several choices of “project paths”, and none of them work:

Multiple project paths for the selected project were found. Please select one.

> C:\Coding\Perl-5.36.3-Windows

Setting Up Runtime
Resolving Dependencies :heavy_check_mark: Done
Downloading 95/95
Installing \ 94/95 [=====================================>] 99 %

█ Something Went Wrong

x Cannot use this project
x Could not update runtime installation
x Error setting up runtime

█ Need More Help?
• Run → state use --help for general help
• If this is a private project you may need to authenticate with ‘state auth’
• Ask For Help → State Tool - ActiveState Community

I’m really not sure what’s happening here and I’m hoping someone else does :'D

I realised that .yaml file is the project (while setting up activepython) and that the command should set this project as the main one. now the question is: why can’t it do that?
I apologise for this many edits, don’t know if it’s allowed here :sweat_smile:

Edit 2: it’s fixed!

delete your folder on your system (Perl-5.36.3-Windows or Perl-5.36.3-Windows1) then run it again and it should work!

edit: disregard original message below we found the issue!

working to find you a working project as a temporary work around as we may be unable to fix your project quickly due to the holday

Are you using ActiveState or ActiveState

can you please run

state config set optin.unstable true

then run

set VERBOSE=true

then run

state refresh

and set the debug information here?

(PID 10172) [DBG 10:02:54.655 defaults.go:101] Args: [state refresh]
(PID 10172) [DBG 10:02:54.669 listeners.go:18] Adding listener for config key: report.errors
(PID 10172) [DBG 10:02:54.671 locale.go:42] Init
(PID 10172) [DBG 10:02:54.681 instance.go:123] Setting config: Locale
(PID 10172) [DBG 10:02:54.694 rollbar.go:60] Sending Rollbar reports? false
(PID 10172) [DBG 10:02:54.695 subshell.go:204] Detected SHELL: cmd
(PID 10172) [DBG 10:02:54.695 output.go:52] Requested outputer for
(PID 10172) [DBG 10:02:54.695 output.go:57] Using Plain outputer
(PID 10172) [DBG 10:02:54.695 main.go:139] ConfigPath: C:\Users\George\AppData\Roaming\activestate\cli-release
(PID 10172) [DBG 10:02:54.695 main.go:140] CachePath: C:\Users\George\AppData\Local\activestate\cache
(PID 10172) [DBG 10:02:54.695 client.go:18] Initializing ipc client with socket: C:\Users\George\AppData\Local\Temp\state-ipc\state-release.sock
(PID 10172) [DBG 10:02:54.696 svcctl.go:112] Located state-svc at :60351
(PID 10172) [DBG 10:02:54.697 instance.go:123] Setting config: projects
(PID 10172) [DBG 10:02:54.702 subshell.go:204] Detected SHELL: cmd
(PID 10172) [DBG 10:02:54.702 subshell.go:117] Using binary: C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe
(PID 10172) [DBG 10:02:54.705 instance.go:123] Setting config: projects
(PID 10172) [DBG 10:02:54.708 secrets.go:62] secrets-api scheme=https base_path=/api/secrets/v1
(PID 10172) [DBG 10:02:54.711 instance.go:123] Setting config: projects
(PID 10172) [DBG 10:02:54.714 secrets.go:62] secrets-api scheme=https base_path=/api/secrets/v1
(PID 10172) [DBG 10:02:54.721 autoupdate.go:57] Update is not needed
Beta Feature: This feature is still in beta and may be unstable.

(PID 10172) [DBG 10:02:54.722 cmdcall.go:50] cmdcall
(PID 10172) [DBG 10:02:54.727 svc.go:123] Checking for messages
(PID 10172) [DBG 10:02:54.735 messenger.go:48] Received 0 messages to print
(PID 10172) [DBG 10:02:54.735 refresh.go:56] Refresh
(PID 10172) [DBG 10:02:54.738 instance.go:123] Setting config: projects
(PID 10172) [DBG 10:02:54.742 runtime.go:83] Initializing runtime for: Catcha-org/Python-3.10.13-Windows@a8e60e63-558e-4f54-b397-a9ddb47ff517
(PID 10172) [DBG 10:02:54.745 target.go:124] In newStore: resolved project dir is: C:\Coding\Python-3.10.13-Windows
(PID 10172) [DBG 10:02:54.752 target.go:124] In newStore: resolved project dir is: C:\Coding\Python-3.10.13-Windows
Runtime updated for project Catcha-org/Python-3.10.13-Windows, located at C:\Coding\Python-3.10.13-Windows.
For editors and other tooling use the executables at: C:\Users\George\AppData\Local\activestate\cache\72151bc8\exec.

(PID 10172) [DBG 10:02:54.753 cmdcall.go:50] cmdcall

let me know if it does not