
Hy everyone,

I have been asked to make some changes to an existing perl project.

the project uses:
use Tkx;

I was able to add the Tcl, Tkx and Tk modules, but the second line is problematic, I have the following error:

Tcl error 'can’t find package Tktable

I can’t find any module resembling tktable or tkx::Tktable or even Tcl::Tktable

What can I do?

Which version of Perl are you trying to work with?

i try to use Perl 5.36.0

is how you add modules that your project doesn’t start with.

Tkx might not work with 5.36 yet, so an older version may be better.

I have no pb to instal tkx, but i don’t find any module like “Tktable”

The Tcl Tktable library is not included in the embedded Tcl library set available to 5.36. I’m not sure it’s available at other versions, but it might be included in the legacy style library that was available up to Perl 5.28.