I am trying to move from Perl Tk to the tkx implementation released with the ActivePerl 2.8 whcih is the implementation I am using. I cannot find any formal documentation. This is the best I have found
Which is pretty good. Does anyone know of anything better? My problem is I have copied examples for scrollbars on a text widget (which is somethingI should be able to do).
my $letters = $MW->new_tk__text(-width => 150, -height => 50);
my $s = $MW->new_ttk__scrollbar(-orient => ‘vertical’, -command => [$letters, ‘yview’]);
$letters->configure(-scrollcommand => [$s, ‘set’]); ← line 144
This gives me an error
unknown option “-scrollcommand” at S:\Personal Folders\Tkx\DataEntry.pl line 144.
I’m sure this is soemthing to do with the order of the declarations but I have mimiced the given example with my own variable names e.g. $MW is my MainWindow widget
I have previously used PerTk and have Mastering Perl/Tk which was an excellent manual but he syntax is different for Tkx.
Does anyone have any advice?