Can't get state tool to work

I am replacing ActiveState Perl 5.20 with version 5.28.1. It started setting me up on the command line but hung after asking me whether to name my project Perl, so I restarted the command line window. I never had a chance to enter any other organization or project name, just a userid, which allows me to sign in. Here’s what happens when I try to run a Perl program:

Wed 04/07/2021 20:09:05.57 C:\files >
Can’t locate Win32/ in @INC (you may need to install the Win32::Console module) (@INC contains: C:/Perl64/site/lib C:/Perl64/lib) at C:\files\ line 14.
BEGIN failed–compilation aborted at C:\files\ line 14.

Wed 04/07/2021 20:13:07.78 C:\files >install Win32::Console
install: missing destination file operand after ‘Win32::Console’
Try ‘install --help’ for more information.

Wed 04/07/2021 20:13:50.87 C:\files >powershell “IEX(New-Object Net.WebClient).downloadString(‘’)”

Wed 04/07/2021 20:15:05.01 C:\files >install Win32::Console
install: missing destination file operand after ‘Win32::Console’
Try ‘install --help’ for more information.

Wed 04/07/2021 20:15:19.05 C:\files >

I can’t find anything that tells me how to proceed from here. Suggestions?

Hi there, I’m not sure what is going on in the log you shared. I see you running a perl script and then an install command followed by what seems to be the install one liner for the state tool, but missing some important arguments.

Let’s start from the beginning, please ensure the state tool is installed by running:

powershell -Command "& $([scriptblock]::Create((New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')))"

Once that’s done you should be able to activate your Perl project by running

state activate myusername/myprojectname

Please ensure that this command runs successfully. If it fails then you will not be able to run your perl scripts.

Once it completes you should be able to run your script. You can verify that it’s using the right perl interpreter by running where perl.

Note that all of these commands should be ran via a command shell (cmd.exe), not via powershell.