Unable to use komodo12 + platform+ perl

Hello, i used to write my perl scripts with komodo 10 (bought!) and local install of perl from activestate, and it was working well…
Now, with komodo 12 and platform, i haven’t been able to succesfully get ONE script ok…
Has anybody a good “recipe” to install everything (komod+ plaform+perl) from scrap and make all that work…?!
My loggin to platform is ok, builds are ok, but komdo doesn’t find my perl interpreter …! Should be a config error, but i have no time to read all the manual to find it…
Help please !


I have not been able to get Komodo to find AS Perl either. I forget the response I got from the AS team, but, it went something like: ‘state’ installs your builds into virtual environments and Komodo won’t be able to find it…

I am not sure what AS is doing to make money these days, but, it does not seem to be creating a tool set for writing scripts anymore, because I cannot get Komodo to find Perl or Python that is installed by their ‘state’ tool (and every state tool tutorial I can find on the AS website assumes you already know how to use it, or cannot read the man page).

Soooo frustrating… I installed Strawberry Perl and Python from their site…

If you find an answer to this, please let me know. Strawberry has it’s own set of issues (like cannot pass parameters to a perl script from the dos prompt without explicitly calling perl.exe).

Good luck.


Here is a link to one of my posts where AS Support responded… It’s not encouraging: