How do i access the Choose Setup Options screen of ActivePerl version Build number (64-bit) Setup?

I need to install ActivePerl and add Perl to the PATH environment variable. I have installed ActivePerl using the command line syntax that’s provided immediately after creating an account. This command didn’t start the GUI I expected to see. What I expected to see is below:


Which steps do I need to follow to get to this screen? (For now, I’ll accept that the version numbers will be different).


First off, let me welcome you to the ActiveState Platform!

The screenshot you’re showing in your post is from an old ActivePerl installer which we no longer create for newer versions of Perl. Instead, as you note in your post, we provide a command line snippet that will not pop up a GUI interface at any point.

Instead, the command line install snippet does the following:

  • Creates a virtual environment for your project (note that older ActivePerl installations would have created a global installation instead. We no longer install globally in order to avoid dependency conflicts while enabling you install multiple versions of Perl on your local system, if required)
  • Downloads and installs Perl, which will be installed under something like C:\users<username>\appdata\local\activestate<UUID>\bin\perl.exe
  • Automatically sets the PATH for you so you don’t have to configure environment variables manually (ie., it does the same thing your screenshot shows)
  • Automatically activates the virtual environment, making it the default Perl on your system (you can always revert to your global installation of Perl by simply typing “exit” at your CMD prompt)

Hope that helps,

Dana Crane

Thank you for the explanations, Dana. If I understand it correctly, I don’t need to worry about PATH variables.

I should note, however, that ActiveState has replaced a GUI with a command line. That’s like selling stones in a DIY store: now make your own tools the traditional way! I don’t like this and there is no reason for it, no matter ActiveState’s arguments. Every single tool in software land can be put in a nice and intuitive GUI. This command line approach is just cheap, moving some of the time requirements from ActiveState to its users. It might seem profitable in the short run, but it is going to get you in trouble in the long run.