Emmet abbreviations

How to get emmet. i went to the website to dowload and i sent me to activestate but there is nothing there. honestly thinking of abandoning the platform if i cant find a solution.

Hello RedWicked, sorry to hear you are experiencing trouble with your build. Can you send a link to the project where Emmet is failing to build?

You didn’t even read my post. The is no project to build emmet in because your platform doesn’t allow emmet to be downloaded.

That would be correct - We are a platform that allows you to download language cores (Python, Perl, Ruby, TCL) and dependencies you select via a package manager (ours is called State Tool, but it is similar to pip or homebew) - as best i can tell https://emmet.io/ is a text editor - however their website is out of date - they list our komodo IDE (we no longer support that, we open sourced that) which you must have clicked on and ended up here, i recommend trying one of their other download links and perhaps reporting to the emmet maintainers that Komodo has been ended and they should remove that link.