Build Error: Module-Build 0.4229 for Perl 5.28.1 on Windows

Looking for help with this package that is failing to build in my project.

Runtime Details

Failing Packages

  • Module-Build 0.4229


  • Build failures: module TermReadKey, module Module-Build, module XML-Parser, ModulesAndLibs

You have to take ActivePerl-PPM and PPM-Repositories out of your build.

The Platform is incompatible with PPM. No build created on The Platform can use PPM. Adding the PPM modules will crash a build, like you are seeing.

if i removed PPM, how can i install modular locally?

The Platform is designed to build modules on The Platform. To add modules at the moment, you need to modify the configuration of the build on The Platform. The Platform will add the modules into a new installer, and then you can re-install.

Very soon we will be fully supporting the use of The State Tool to “pull” modules from The Platform into an ActivePerl installed locally. That local installation will need to be done under The State Tool, and we will be changing our installers to use The State Tool as the back end.