Build Error: Bit-Vector 7.4 for on Windows

Looking for help with this package that is failing to build in my project.

Runtime Details

Failing Packages

  • Bit-Vector 7.4


I just took a look and it looks like you resolved the stated problem by swapping around a bunch of the other libraries, did you still need any help?

my build is now ok, remove some packages that failed and i think are not useful for me fot the moment
it is based on perl 5.38 and not 26, i changed the version since my first download a few years ago
i should rename the project if possible, but for the moment this is not the problem
the problem is i cant install that ok build

1- executed the commands in the build ok notification :
double clic on the state tool downloads caused an error i cannot read because window command closed
so i run the exe from a command window


This will install the State Tool
Your use of the ActiveState Platform is subject to the Terms of Service.
You can review the Terms of Service at:
my build is now ok, remove some packages that failed and i think are not useful for me fot the moment
it is based on perl 5.38 and not 26, i changed the version since my first download a few years ago
i should rename the project if possible, but for the moment this is not the problem
the problem is i cant install that ok build

1- executed the commands in the build ok notification :
double clic on the state tool downloads caused an error i cannot read because window command closed
so i run the exe from a command window


This will install the State Tool
Your use of the ActiveState Platform is subject to the Terms of Service.
You can review the Terms of Service at:

By continuing you accept the Terms of Service. Continue? (Y/n)

• Downloading State Tool version 0.39.0-SHAf8a9465… :heavy_check_mark: Done
State Tool Package Manager is already installed at C:\Users\pierre\AppData\Local\ActiveState\StateTool\release. To
reinstall use the --force flag.
Press ENTER to exit.

2- so i removed that directory in appdata
and redo it and it installed ok

C:\Users\pierre\Desktop>state-remote-installer.exe --force

This will install the State Tool
Your use of the ActiveState Platform is subject to the Terms of Service.
You can review the Terms of Service at:

By continuing you accept the Terms of Service. Continue? (Y/n)

• Downloading State Tool version 0.39.0-SHAf8a9465… :heavy_check_mark: Done
█ Installing State Tool Package Manager

The State Tool lets you install and manage your language runtimes.

ActiveState collects usage statistics and diagnostic data about failures.
By using the State Tool Package Manager you agree to the terms of ActiveState’s Privacy Policy,
available at:

• Installing State Tool to C:\Users\pierre\AppData\Local\ActiveState\StateTool\release… :heavy_check_mark: Done

█ State Tool Package Manager Installation Complete

State Tool Package Manager has been successfully installed.
Press ENTER to exit.

3- so i go to next step

C:\Users\pierre\Desktop>state activate --default pdbzro/ActivePerl1-5.28
Sorry! This is a transitional tool that should have been replaced during the last update. If you see this message, something must have gone wrong. Re-trying to update now. If this keeps happening please re-install the State Tool as described here:

4- so i tried the command suggested in activstate web page

C:\Users\pierre\Desktop>$([scriptblock]::Create((New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('‘removed’)"
‘$’ n’est pas reconnu en tant que commande interne
ou externe, un programme exécutable ou un fichier de commandes.

5- do not see what ldea i can try
if you have good idea, i ll try

i work on windows 10

i remed the links from my post because not accepted

is there a mean to install my perl built without using state tool ?
or to send me the state tool that i should copy in appropriate directory
i remember a few years ago when i installed my first activstate perl, there was an identical problem and a bypass of that sort
because state tool do not install correctly as i told in previous mail i

If you simply deleted C:\Users\pierre\AppData\Local\ActiveState\State, then that may not have cleanly uninstalled the state tool.

Instead, try state clean uninstall.

If for some reason that does not work, try the steps for removing it manually, which are described here:

i just added the encode project
it works
but now audio:WMA disappear, (compile error, not found in pass, “may need to install the module …”)
state packages list it as if it was here
i donot find it in perl64/lib or site/lib
looks like i have to reinstall all
but how can i do all this, state tool say all is ok

i have an idea on the packages disparition
j(audio:play:mpg123 wav et wma) are in perl64/cpan/build
i think that it disapeared from inc path when i installed package encode
but why and how put it back in default inc path ?

If you would like the files in a specific location have you tried setting the path? Configuration Reference :: ActiveState Platform Documentation