Has anyone had success in building python 3.8 with libxml2-python3 module?
I’ve also tried the AS Package Manager:
Running state activate --default ActiveState/ActivePython-3.8
█ Creating a Virtual Environment for your Project’s Packages
Installing 1/1
All dependencies have been installed and verified.
WARNING: The following scripts collide with existing commands and should be renamed: pip.
Project “ActiveState/ActivePython-3.8” Has Been Activated
Quick Start
• To add a package to your runtime, type “state install ”
• Learn more about how to use the State Tool, type “state learn”
[ActiveState/ActivePython-3.8] C:\dev>state install libxml2-python3
█ Installing Package
• Searching for libxml2-python3 in the ActiveState Catalog… Found
• Creating commit… Done
Updating Runtime
Changes to your runtime may require some dependencies to be rebuilt.
Resolving dependencies 0 / 0 \ 0 %
x Could not install dependencies
x Could not resolve recipe for project ActiveState/ActivePython-3.8#161e6ba4-c762-4627-a5be-022ce54e4760
x Unknown error resolving order"
x Request failed due to timeout. Please ensure your device has access to internet during installation. Make sure software like a VPN, Firewall or Anti-Virus are not blocking your connectivity.
If your issue persists consider reporting it on our forums at State Tool - ActiveState Community.