Libxml2-python3 fails to build

Has anyone had success in building python 3.8 with libxml2-python3 module?

I’ve also tried the AS Package Manager:

Running state activate --default ActiveState/ActivePython-3.8
█ Creating a Virtual Environment for your Project’s Packages

Installing 1/1
:heavy_check_mark: All dependencies have been installed and verified.
WARNING: The following scripts collide with existing commands and should be renamed: pip.
:heavy_check_mark: Project “ActiveState/ActivePython-3.8” Has Been Activated

Quick Start
• To add a package to your runtime, type “state install ”
• Learn more about how to use the State Tool, type “state learn”

[ActiveState/ActivePython-3.8] C:\dev>state install libxml2-python3
█ Installing Package

• Searching for libxml2-python3 in the ActiveState Catalog… :heavy_check_mark: Found
• Creating commit… :heavy_check_mark: Done

Updating Runtime
Changes to your runtime may require some dependencies to be rebuilt.
Resolving dependencies 0 / 0 \ 0 %
x Could not install dependencies
x Could not resolve recipe for project ActiveState/ActivePython-3.8#161e6ba4-c762-4627-a5be-022ce54e4760
x Unknown error resolving order"
x Request failed due to timeout. Please ensure your device has access to internet during installation. Make sure software like a VPN, Firewall or Anti-Virus are not blocking your connectivity.
If your issue persists consider reporting it on our forums at State Tool - ActiveState Community.

You’re asking your copy of the State Tool to modify the global master default ActivePython-3.8 project. You don’t have permissions to do that, so no matter whether the module in question can be built, this example is going to fail.

Python 3.8 is old enough that it’s getting harder to modify the last known good working examples. You might have better success with a 3.10.

libxml2(-python3) is an aliased ingredient for compatibility. The best place to see if you can update libxml2 is not from the command line, but from the project’s configuration customization pane. Fork a copy of the project to a workspace you control, and then scroll down to the “Other” section of the recipe. LibXML2 shows there with a picklist of versions that might work with your core. Done from the pane, you won’t be able to force the builder to try a combination that the solver rules know is incompatible.