Install the Perl-5.36.0 under Windows 7 (x86 64-bit) fails

(PowerShell 2.0)
C:>powershell -Command “& $([scriptblock]::Create((New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(‘’))) -c’state activate --default O-Zhi/Perl-5.36.0-Windows’”

At line starting with:
at line:1 char:187

The current versions of our products do not support Windows 7 (No releases created after January 14, 2020 support Windows 7). The installation command you’re trying needs to be run on Windows 10 20H1 or newer.

The Windows 7 option is available in some menus because we still have legacy builds created prior to the end of support date. Those are not available on free tiers, and cannot be updated.