Build Error: IO-AIO 4.72 for Perl 5.34.0 on Windows

Adding IO-AIO to Perl 5.34 causes the build to fail. Please tell me how to resolve.
There is a log of IO-AIO in the “Build Status” of the project.
Looking for help with this package that is failing to build in my project.

Runtime Details

  • ActiveState
  • Language - perl 5.34.0
  • Platform - Windows

Failing Packages

  • IO-AIO 4.72

@lemorin , Thank you for posting the issue ! The team will look into this and advise accordingly.

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This still fails on Perl 5.36.0 for Windows 10 when trying to buld Perl-LanguageServer.


I join Je-strom in his remark… Today 2023.03.23. LangServer still not work. It sharpened for 5.34… In dependendencies checks says about IO::AIO v.4.79 (auto), but gmake works with set of params for v.34 (i.e. 4.72)? Text “Build Error: IO-AIO 4.72 for Perl 5.34.0 on Windows” says about it?

Ok, when I choose v.4.72 (force), checking fails, dependendencies absent.

Is it possible to bring version 4.79 to version 4.72? It’s seems so strange, isn,t?

Best regards.

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Add IO::AIO::COMPAT (recommended for windows platforms) but IO::AIO 4.79 (i.e. 4.72) used by Perl::LanguageServer - use of this module (exectly: IO::AIO) in LanguageServer instructions is forced.

Exact link to old version is spelled somewhere in LanguageServer module. This is for LanguageServer authors… When a new ver. of server is going on…

Thank you.


Currently we are having an issue building this as there is a conflict between:

struct w32_stat

struct _stat64

and this is explicitly not supported above perl 5.22.