Build Error: IO-Tty 1.14 for Perl 5.34.0 on Windows

Looking for help with this package that is failing to build in my project.

Runtime Details

  • ActiveState
  • Language - perl 5.34.0
  • Platform - Windows

Failing Packages

  • IO-Tty 1.14

The log says:
This module requires a POSIX compliant system to work. Try cygwin if you need this module on windows

Who depends on IO-Tty? Perhaps I can remove the library. so I can download.


HI @bitjet, Thank you for posting ! The team will advise accordingly .

Hi @bitjet

Try removing the ActivePerl* and ActiveState* packages from your build. Most of them aren’t necessary for perl 5.30+ and doing that seems to remove the dependency on IO-Tty
