█ Something Went Wrong x Could not activate project

I am getting the following scenario on Windows 11. I have tried resetting the machine and reistalling I have tried installing on PowerShell and am getting another error about the ‘&’.

C:\Users\aaron>state auth
█ Signing In To The ActiveState Platform

You are logged in as AaronNGray

C:\Users\aaron>state activate --default AaronNGray/ActivePerl-5.28
█ Creating a Virtual Environment for your Project's Packages

This project will always be available for use, meaning you can use it from anywhere on your system without activating.
Setting Up Runtime
Resolving Dependencies \
█ Something Went Wrong

 x Could not activate project
 x Could not update runtime installation
 x Error setting up runtime

█ Need More Help?

 • Run → `state activate --help` for general help
 • Ask For Help → https://community.activestate.com/c/state-tool/
C:\Users\aaron>set VERBOSE=true

C:\Users\aaron>state activate --default AaronNGray/ActivePerl-5.28
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:38.023 defaults.go:101] Args: [state activate --default AaronNGray/ActivePerl-5.28]
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:38.026 listeners.go:18] Adding listener for config key: report.errors
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:38.027 locale.go:42] Init
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:38.038 instance.go:123] Setting config: Locale
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:38.070 rollbar.go:60] Sending Rollbar reports? false
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:38.070 subshell.go:204] Detected SHELL: cmd
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:38.071 output.go:52] Requested outputer for
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:38.071 output.go:57] Using Plain outputer
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:38.071 main.go:138] ConfigPath: C:\Users\aaron\AppData\Roaming\activestate\cli-release
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:38.071 main.go:139] CachePath: C:\Users\aaron\AppData\Local\activestate\cache
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:38.071 client.go:18] Initializing ipc client with socket: C:\Users\aaron\AppData\Local\Temp\state-ipc\state-release.sock
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:38.076 svcctl.go:111] Located state-svc at :49675
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:38.077 auth.go:120] Authenticating with stored API token: MG..
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:38.077 auth.go:273] AuthenticateWithToken
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:38.077 auth.go:197] AuthenticateWithModel
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:38.626 subshell.go:204] Detected SHELL: cmd
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:38.626 subshell.go:117] Using binary: C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:38.629 secrets.go:62] secrets-api scheme=https host=platform.activestate.com base_path=/api/secrets/v1
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:38.637 secrets.go:62] secrets-api scheme=https host=platform.activestate.com base_path=/api/secrets/v1
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:38.641 autoupdate.go:174] Not running auto updates because we just freshly installed
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:38.642 instance.go:123] Setting config: auto_update_lastcheck
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:38.660 cmdcall.go:50] cmdcall
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:38.661 svc.go:137] Checking for messages
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:38.677 messenger.go:48] Received 0 messages to print
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:38.677 activate.go:84] Activate AaronNGray/ActivePerl-5.28,
█ Creating a Virtual Environment for your Project's Packages

(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:38.677 instance.go:123] Setting config: projects
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:38.687 instance.go:123] Setting config: projects
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:38.697 instance.go:123] Setting config: projects
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:38.710 instance.go:123] Setting config: projects
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:38.722 rtusage.go:31] Checking to print runtime usage for AaronNGray
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:39.765 process.go:32] Current PID: 15628, Parent PID: 1744
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:39.765 process.go:34] Looking for activation pid file: C:\Users\aaron\AppData\Roaming\activestate\cli-release\activation.15628
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:39.766 process.go:39] Activation pid file not found
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:39.776 process.go:62] Parent process name: cmd.exe
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:39.776 process.go:32] Current PID: 1744, Parent PID: 9808
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:39.776 process.go:34] Looking for activation pid file: C:\Users\aaron\AppData\Roaming\activestate\cli-release\activation.1744
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:39.777 process.go:39] Activation pid file not found
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:39.784 process.go:62] Parent process name: explorer.exe
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:39.784 process.go:32] Current PID: 9808, Parent PID: 9760
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:39.784 process.go:34] Looking for activation pid file: C:\Users\aaron\AppData\Roaming\activestate\cli-release\activation.9808
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:39.785 process.go:39] Activation pid file not found
This project will always be available for use, meaning you can use it from anywhere on your system without activating.
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:39.789 target.go:144] In newStore: resolved project dir is: C:\Users\aaron\ActivePerl-5.28
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:39.790 marker.go:33] Unable to parse marker file %!s(*store.Marker=<nil>): Marker file "C:\Users\aaron\AppData\Local\activestate\cache\2ddfea5a\_runtime_store\completed" does not exist
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:39.790 target.go:144] In newStore: resolved project dir is: C:\Users\aaron\ActivePerl-5.28
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:39.790 runtime.go:111] Updating ActivePerl-5.28#a73cfcf7-adb6-4f47-94ce-0f734d636d85 @ C:\Users\aaron\AppData\Local\activestate\cache\2ddfea5a
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:39.791 artifactcache.go:84] Opened artifact cache at 'C:\Users\aaron\AppData\Local\activestate\cache\artifacts' containing 0 artifacts occupying 0.0/500.0 MB
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:39.791 target.go:144] In newStore: resolved project dir is: C:\Users\aaron\ActivePerl-5.28
Setting Up Runtime
Resolving Dependencies |(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:39.794 instance.go:123] Setting config: projects
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:39.815 buildplanner.go:73] Using build planner at: https://platform.activestate.com/sv/buildplanner/graphql
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:39.815 buildplanner.go:88] FetchBuildResult, commitID: a73cfcf7-adb6-4f47-94ce-0f734d636d85, owner: AaronNGray, project: ActivePerl-5.28
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:39.816 project.go:6] BuildPlanByProject
(PID 15628) [ERR 19:10:39.947 multilog.go:19] Error calling SetConsoleCursorPosition: The parameter is incorrect.

Stacktrace: ./internal\logging\logging.go:283:logging.Error

(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:39.947 svc.go:162] Fetching log svc log
|(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:42.307 runtime.go:172] Recording runtime completion, error: false

(PID 15628) [CRT 19:10:42.315 multilog.go:24] Returning error:
execute failed:
    Could not activate project:
        Could not update runtime installation.:
            Update failed:
                Failed to update artifacts:
                    Error setting up runtime:
                        Failed to fetch build result:
                            failed to fetch build plan:
                                ? 'Request failed: decoding response: json: cannot unmarshal number into Go struct field Artifact.Data.project.commit.build.artifacts.attempts of type string'
                                :   ? 'decoding response: json: cannot unmarshal number into Go struct field Artifact.Data.project.commit.build.artifacts.attempts of type string'
                                    :   ? 'decoding response: json: cannot unmarshal number into Go struct field Artifact.Data.project.commit.build.artifacts.attempts of type string'
                                        : 'json: cannot unmarshal number into Go struct field Artifact.Data.project.commit.build.artifacts.attempts of type string'
Created at:
(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:42.315 log.go:194] goroutine 1 [running, locked to thread]:
        C:/hostedtoolcache/windows/go/1.20.7/x64/src/runtime/debug/stack.go:24 +0x65
github.com/ActiveState/cli/internal/logging.Critical({0x1e7a04c?, 0xc000145840?}, {0xc00011cbe0?, 0x10?, 0x1c55120?})
        D:/a/cli/cli/internal/logging/logging.go:306 +0x5a
github.com/ActiveState/cli/internal/multilog.Critical({0x1e7a04c, 0x22}, {0xc00011cbe0, 0x2, 0x2})
        D:/a/cli/cli/internal/multilog/multilog.go:24 +0x32
github.com/ActiveState/cli/pkg/cmdlets/errors.ReportError({0x207fb60, 0xc00004d100}, 0xc0003c2000, {0x208eef0, 0xc00020c000})
        D:/a/cli/cli/pkg/cmdlets/errors/errors.go:144 +0x5c7
main.run({0xc00014e000?, 0x4, 0x4}, 0x1, 0xc0004786f0, {0x2090bd8?, 0xc000399ca0})
        D:/a/cli/cli/cmd/state/main.go:261 +0x1908
        D:/a/cli/cli/cmd/state/main.go:104 +0x3df

(PID 15628) [DBG 19:10:42.315 svc.go:162] Fetching log svc log
█ Something Went Wrong

 x Could not activate project
 x Could not update runtime installation
 x Error setting up runtime

█ Need More Help?

 • Run → `state activate --help` for general help
 • Ask For Help → https://community.activestate.com/c/state-tool/

I am getting exactly the same on a second machine.

Getting the following using PowerShell from the instructions here :-

PS C:\Users\aaron> powershell -Command "& $([scriptblock]::Create((New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://platform.activestate.com/dl/cli/_pdli01/install.ps1')))" -c'state activate --default AaronNGray/ActivePerl-5.28'
At line:1 char:1
+ & # Copyright 2019-2022 ActiveState Software Inc. All rights reserved ...
+ ~
Missing expression after '&' in pipeline element.
At line:1 char:71
+ ...  # Copyright 2019-2022 ActiveState Software Inc. All rights reserved.
+                                                                          ~
Unexpected token '
' in expression or statement.
At line:20 char:19
+ $script:VERSION = "
+                   ~
The string is missing the terminator: ".
    + CategoryInfo          : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : MissingExpression

PS C:\Users\aaron>


We do not support installation via Powershell. Instead, just open a CMD window and run:
powershell -Command "& $([scriptblock]::Create((New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://platform.activestate.com/dl/cli/911674306.1670279101_pdli01/install.ps1')))" -c'state activate --default AaronNGray/ActivePerl-5.28'

If that fails, you may want to update the State Tool to the latest version by running:
state update

And then try reinstalling

Let me know if that works

Still not working

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22621.2134]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
                                                                                                                        C:\Windows\System32>cd \Users\Aaron                                                                                                                                                                                                             C:\Users\aaron>powershell -Command "& $([scriptblock]::Create((New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://platform.activestate.com/dl/cli/_pdli01/install.ps1')))" -c'state activate --default AaronNGray/ActivePerl-5.28'               • Preparing Installer for State Tool Package Manager version 0.40.1-SHAc63b1c3...√ Done

█ Installing State Tool Package Manager

The State Tool lets you install and manage your language runtimes.

ActiveState collects usage statistics and diagnostic data about failures.
By using the State Tool Package Manager you agree to the terms of ActiveState’s Privacy Policy,
available at: https://www.activestate.com/company/privacy-policy

• Installing State Tool to C:\Users\aaron\AppData\Local\ActiveState\StateTool\release... ✔ Done                                                                                                                                                 █ State Tool Package Manager Installation Complete                                                                                                                                                                                              State Tool Package Manager has been successfully installed.                                                             
Running `state activate --default AaronNGray/ActivePerl-5.28`

█ Creating a Virtual Environment for your Project's Packages

This project will always be available for use, meaning you can use it from anywhere on your system without activating.
Setting Up Runtime
Resolving Dependencies /
                       -█\Something Went Wron|

/- Could not activate project
\| Could not update runtime installation
/- Error setting up runtime

C:\Users\aaron>state update
█ Updating The State Tool

No new update available.

C:\Users\aaron>powershell -Command "& $([scriptblock]::Create((New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://platform.activestate.com/dl/cli/_pdli01/install.ps1')))" -c'state activate --default AaronNGray/ActivePerl-5.28'
• Preparing Installer for State Tool Package Manager version 0.40.1-SHAc63b1c3...√ Done

█ Installing State Tool Package Manager

The State Tool lets you install and manage your language runtimes.

ActiveState collects usage statistics and diagnostic data about failures.
By using the State Tool Package Manager you agree to the terms of ActiveState’s Privacy Policy,
available at: https://www.activestate.com/company/privacy-policy

• Installing State Tool to C:\Users\aaron\AppData\Local\ActiveState\StateTool\release... ✔ Done

█ State Tool Package Manager Installation Complete

State Tool Package Manager has been successfully installed.

Running `state activate --default AaronNGray/ActivePerl-5.28`

█ Creating a Virtual Environment for your Project's Packages

This project will always be available for use, meaning you can use it from anywhere on your system without activating.
Setting Up Runtime
Resolving Dependencies /
                       █ Something Went Wrong\

|/ Could not activate project
\| Could not update runtime installation
/- Error setting up runtime

Sorry for the delay, I just updated my windows system so i could replicate, i’ll be making an internal ticket so we can figure out what went wrong.