So if I want nothing to do with Active State Account forced Online Connection?

Seems like if I want nothing with to do with Active State forced Online strategy, so I suppose I must just uninstall Komodo & elaborate time wasting architecture, pity I could not even log into Komodo after signing up for online account, what an eloborate nuisance architecture. Bye everyone.

Komodo IDE has been discontinued for several years, and since it can’t be updated, the certificates it expects to use to secure the connection are no longer valid. If you are looking for an IDE, you should be looking at products which are currently maintained, and not at Komodo IDE.

This is very confusing. Has Komodo been replaced? Everything regarding Komodo just goes in circles on your active state site. Should you simply update?

There is no update.

Komodo IDE should not be used now. Find a different product that you like and use that instead.

Well, would it not be wise to put this message on your site??

we did have for over a year things which were on our site, as it’s been over 2 years now we’ve removed most if not all references to Komodo as we don’t want people landing on our site while looking for it.

December 6, 2022

" ActiveState is officially retiring both Komodo IDE and Komodo Edit and open sourcing Komodo IDE ."

“As we retire Komodo IDE…”

Can you tell me how you arrive dta our site and what may have lead to the impression komodo was available as one of the offerings on our online platform?