Key bindings changed, do not get proper scheme back

In previous versions, I had key bindings with for example delete line: ctrl+d , toggle breakpoint f9, and a shortcut for Word wrap (ctrl+9).

With the latest version, Komodo IDE, version 12.0.1, build 91869, platform win32-x86.
Built on Mon Feb 10 18:14:23 2020.

I have a more limited set of key bindings, missing ctrl+d and word wrap not even in the preferences to be set. The keys in the debugger all changes (toggle breakpoint is now f4).

I added some shortcut keys and saved in my own scheme, but I would like to have the possibility to revert to the previous scheme.

How could I do that??

Thanks, Quintijn

Thanks for posting ! The team will advise accordingly.

Hi @quintijnhgb,

That’s really odd. Komodo should have kept your old keybindings if you had a custom one set. Was the previous install on a computer you still have access to? We could try recovering your profile folder from the previous install. That should have your preferred keybinding schema in it.

This conversation has moved here: Key bindings lost after upgrade - Customization - Komodo IDE & Edit | Forums