Build Error: XML-LibXML-Common 0.13 for Perl 5.28.1 on Windows

Looking for help with this package that is failing to build in my project.

Runtime Details

  • Language - perl 5.28.1
  • Platform - Windows

Failing Packages

  • XML-LibXML-Common 0.13

Hi @MonicaIgnat,

Thanks for writing!

When I look at your account, I don’t see any projects. Did you delete the project?

If you recreate it (and recreate the problem), we can try to help you fix it.


Today my build also fails with an error for module XML-LibXM.

perl5.28.1, Target-OS Windows 10/64

Greeting Renton

I have the same problem when trying to build a project.

" XML-LibXML 2.0208 Failed "

Windows OS Server 2019 , project name is Perl-5.36.0-Windows2