Build Error: scikit-build-core 0.10.3 for on Windows

Looking for help with this package that is failing to build in my project.

Runtime Details

Failing Packages

  • scikit-build-core 0.10.3

Hey :wave: Your build has been rebuilt and is now available.

HI, great. Thank you so much!!! For future reference is there something I could have done to rebuild the package?

The issue was caused by a timeout on our end so bringing it to our attention was the best solution.

Thanks. Did I need to start the build again, because I did, and it appears to have failed on the same package.

I should try to remove this, but I do not see how. This package will not work and is keeps failing.

We’re poking it again, check back soon (you will likely get an email) sorry about that!

Hello, sorry for the late reply. We’ve updated our timestamp so the package fix is permanent now. If you rebuild your project now the package should build correctly.