Build Error: Image-Magick 7.0.11 for Perl 5.28.3 on Windows

Looking for help with this package that is failing to build in my project.

Runtime Details

  • ActiveState
  • Language - perl 5.28.3
  • Platform - Windows

Failing Packages

  • Image-Magick 7.0.11

HI @foge , Thanks for posting ! The team will look into it and advise accordingly.


The Image-Magick perl module is currently failing to build due to a missing dependency on the imagemagick tools themselves. Unfortunately we do not yet have that library building on the platform.

I don’t have a timeframe for when that will be working at the moment, but I’ve taken a note to follow up here once the work is complete.


Hey @gboyce,

I encountered the same error building perl 5.36.0 with ImageMagick for CentOS.
Is there any new information regarding this topic?

Have a nice weekend,