Build Error: Cache-Swifty 0.07 for on Windows

Looking for help with this package that is failing to build in my project.

Runtime Details

  • Language -
  • Platform - Windows

Failing Packages

  • Cache-Swifty 0.07

Thank you for letting us know about that error.

I have made an internal ticket to investigate the cause of the error and we will update this forum post when we have an update.

Cache-Swifty and Speech-Swift are interfaces to the Cepstral C library, libswift. This library is a third-party proprietary product, only available with the purchase of the Cepstral SDK and appropriate licensing for redistribution. Without either a licensed binary version, or the source code to build the library, it’s not possible to build the Perl interfaces to the C library.

The modules are also 12 years old since their last update. It’s possible that they need to be updated to work with Perl 5.26 and higher, since many C modules did.