when i run my script
I Have thes error and stop script?
“Free to wrong pool 1d7ea0 not 95011500bae059eb at C:/Perl64/site/lib/IO/Socket/SSL.pm line 2739, <$fh> line 1.”
when i run my script
I Have thes error and stop script?
“Free to wrong pool 1d7ea0 not 95011500bae059eb at C:/Perl64/site/lib/IO/Socket/SSL.pm line 2739, <$fh> line 1.”
What Is the solve to this?
is this retuern to script?
or to perl etc?
i uses windows 10
Hi @abdalih,
Thanks for posting ! The team will advise accordingly! However lets start by upgrading the version of Net-SSLeay
to something newer than 1.85.