Build Error: idna 3.4 for on Linux

Looking for help with this package that is failing to build in my project.

Runtime Details

  • Language -
  • Platform - Linux

Failing Packages

  • idna 3.4


  • Test failures: idna

HI Nick,

Looks like you got it running at least as far as the project I can see in your account. Let us know if we can help further.



I changed the build to Python 3.8 (just to see if builds worked). The build that kept failing was Python 3.7 despite Active State saying that dependencies played well together pre-build.

I ended up having to package my layers independently via a Linux console.

El El dom, 29 ene 2023 a las 1:07, Jeff R via ActiveState Community <> escribió:

Python 3.7 is right at the end of it’s life, so this is no longer a certainty. Even we are having a lot of trouble getting anything that will rebuild for 3.7. If you have a working project for 3.7 right now, it’s best to leave it alone, and maybe consider rebuilding the project from scratch with 3.9 or 3.10.