Unable to Register Komodo IDE 12.1

My work environment could not connect Internet.I also unable to register Komodo IDE 12.1.How to resolve it?

You need an internet connection to activate Komodo for the first time. Once activated you will no longer need to be connected to the internet for any subsequent launches of Komodo.

Due to companyā€™s information security policy,our PC can not connect Internet.Could you help me to solve it?Thanks

Iā€™m sorry, unfortunately at this stage having an internet connection is a hard requirement. You could try out Komodo Edit instead, which is a more lightweight version of Komodo IDE and does not require an internet connection for its first launch.

Iā€™ve been working with my IT department to try and resolve this issue. All the traffic is allowed to go through but my guess is that we have a proxy issue. I canā€™t get to the proxy settings without being able to login and I canā€™t login without setting the proxy (Chicken and Egg problem). Can you please give me instructions on how to work around this? I could not find anything in the FAQ online (I may have just missed it). I saw a note above about contacting support. Why not post it here? I canā€™t be the only one having this issue.


We have to be able to verify that the user is entitled to Komodo IDE. The information in the workarounds could potentially allow someone without a subscription or account to use the product.

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Whatā€™s the workaround? I am also behind a proxy I believe.

See further up the thread. The email address for Support is provided there.